New Challenges in Scheduling Theory

October 21 - 27, 2012 --- Centre CNRS "La Villa Clythia", Frejus, France

Scheduling nuclear weapon stockpile transformation

SpeakerCynthia Phillips

Coauthors: Harvey Greenberg, Laura McNamara, Carol Meyers, and Andrew Wilson

The US has been steadily decreasing the size of its nuclear stockpile, both in response to international treaties and because of its stated policy to keep the smallest stockpile that meets national security needs. There is considerable work to perform over the next 30 years to maintain, refurbish, and dismantle weapons. This work must all be done with limited resources. We will describe the various competing constraints on quality multi-year schedules that transform the current stockpile into a goal stockpile 30 years from now. We will also describe a multi-disciplinary approach to assisting decision makers select a schedule. Our approach involves expert elicitation to determine alternative ways to evaluate the quality of a schedule and differing priorities for these objectives. The method also involves multi-objective analysis and visualization. Although the single objective problem can be solved efficiently, the multi-objective task is considerably more challenging.